Monday, March 31, 2008

In Which I Stop Being Gross

My roommate and I joined a gym today and I have my first meeting with a trainer on Wednesday. I'm scared as hell because I'm in terrible shape (I ran a mile and a half last year and almost died). This is sad, because I used to have pretty good stamina. Sigh. But hopefully I'll stick with it (it'd be awfully expensive not to) and will go from this:

To this:OK, that's probably not going to happen.

But, wish me luck.


Jolie Kerr said...

good luck! it takes a little while but eventually it actually becomes fun.

no, really!

Anonymous said...

A trainer? Did you have like 40 million page views last month?

Anonymous said...

Hope you're sticking with it, Richard. You will feel so much better.

Unknown said...

I pay $10 for my gym membership. Of course, the place has like one bike and an elliptical powered by elves but it works. Do it to it, my friend.

Anonymous said...

My recommendation for work-out music: 'Work' by Kelly Rowland - so pornstar I love it.

Eventually I'll cease skipping around the house singing "Put it in put it in put it in".

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I have been getting up and exercising before work for exactly TWO DAYS now (and if I don't get off the Internet and go to bed soon, it will stay at that number), so I feel your pain. I want to be in high school again, when my metabolism worked and I had a built-in workout schedule every day and nobody looked at me funny for dating high school girls.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get up and exercise this morning.

Sex Deprived Virgin said...

HA! I saw that movie with Arnold in it when I was a child and I can probably say I'm scarred for life.

Kimberly said...

luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. BTW, I soooo miss your comments on Gawker. The current crop of commenters are truly horrible, and not even in an entertaining or interesting way.

Anonymous said...

You are a good blogger. You should consider doing this for a living.